Friday, August 17, 2012

Info About Senior Cats

(kitty of one of our customers)
Here's a comparative chart to take a look at:    cat years of 1 is to human years 15, cat years 2 is to human years of 24, cat years of 5, human years is 36, cat years 7 is to human years 45, cat years 12 is to human years 64, cat years of 15 is to human years of 76, cat years 18 is to human years 88 and cat years of 21 is to human years of 100.
Interesting isn't it?  I'm sure other charts vary slightly, but this is a guide that you can go by.   As you can see, it doesn't take too long before our little furry kitties are seniors.  By this time they know us as well as any best friends can and we owe it to them to make the senior years just as special as they're younger years.  They've given us so many days and moments of happiness and each one is so very special.

available at
Just as we age, so do our cats.  We and they can develop issues such as heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, thyroid disease, cancer, diabetes, etc....   It's up to us to notice changes in their habits or actions that tell us that there is something wrong, something out of character.  Sometimes, even at a wellness exam, we cannot detect an underlying disease and therefore it cannot be caught early enough to treat the issue properly and maybe even cure it before it goes too far.  They should  have blood tests and other tests to detect early.

(Smudge from Maine)
They may need a special diet.  Teeth may have been lost or maybe they're just not eating really hard crunchy food anymore.  You may need to buy softer food and if needed, consult with your Veterinarian for a special diet such as KD for kidney issues.  Make sure you have nice cat beds, maybe that are heated for them and always have an endless amount of fresh water in their bowls.   They deserve the very best!

As always, enjoy your little furry pet friends!

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