Thursday, August 30, 2012

Using a Pet Stroller

Well well, so it comes down to this! Placing your cat or dog into a stroller, like a baby and pushing your small pet along the sidewalk.  What a show you can put on and attention...Oh yeah!  There are lots of reasons to push along a stroller with your pet inside watching the world go by.

One reason can be from age related illness's or any type of illness as to inhibit your pet from walking on his own for a distance, really whether it's a short distance or long.  An amputation can cause this also.  Another reason is if you, yourself, the pet parent cannot take your dog on a leash or you just want your cat to see the outdoors and get fresh air without the nuisance of getting fleas and ticks or just plain dirt on the paws of your pet.

Whatever the reason may be, it's a fun and easy way to get exercise for you and to take your pet with you without having him tug and pull on a leash or to give your cat some new and exciting scenes to look at and listen to.  Your cat might see birds or rabbits and he/she will feel like he's right next to them!

Please take a look at our "Dog Travel" page on  We have different sizes and colors and even a double-decker!  Check it out now @!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tips for a Kitty Appointment

In the United States there are more pet cats than pet dogs, however more pet dogs visit the local Veterinarian than pet cats.  This is mainly due to cats having anxiety and fears and making even getting prepared to go to the Dr. stressful for cats and their owners.

First you have to have a carrier that can make your cat feel secure and safe inside.  The cheapest carriers sometimes are the best.  Just make sure you have a secure closing carrier with maybe 2 different doors in it so that it's easy to take your cat out of it without too much trouble.  Sometimes, your Veterinarian can do some of the exam while your cat is in the carrier.  It's also a good idea to ask at your Vet's office to weigh the carrier and place the weight on a piece of tape and put it on the carrier somewhere it that it won't come off easily.  This way, when you take your cat to the Dr's the next time, they can just weigh your cat in that same carrier and subtract the weight of the carrier to get your cat's weight.  Less stress all around!

Another tip is to place your carrier in a place that your cat frequents a lot.  This way he can get used to seeing it and smelling it.  Maybe place a toy or catnip inside of it.  You can also place a blanket or a piece of your clothing in it so that your cat feels and smells the scents of his "secure" place.  Practice placing your cat inside of it without closing the door(s).  When he gets comfortable just sitting in it without the door(s) closed, then close the door(s).  Practice this a few times and then practice walking with your cat inside of it.  Then practice taking your cat inside the carrier to the car a few times, driving around the block then coming home.  I know it sounds like a pain in the neck to do all this, but it could save a lot of time and stress when it comes time for a real appointment.  Also, find out if your cat likes to look out of the carrier or he likes a blanket covering it so he can't see out.  More than likely, it's better when they cannot see out.  Less stress with less to look at that they do not understand.

Good luck cat parents and stay calm because your cat can sense your fears and anxiety.   Take a look at for a carrier that's safe and secure for your Veterinarian appointment!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Tips For Positive Reinforcement Training

Use a KONG Goodie Bone for Positive Reinforcement!
Positive reinforcement training for dogs is a good and fun way to train your dog.  Before you start, you need to have a variety of treats in your pocket or in a little baggy in your pocket or in a fanny pack.  Anything that can be taken out quickly to reward your dog as he does the correct action, hence positive reinforcement.

It takes everyone living in the household to be consistent.  This mean kids as well as adults.  Everyone has to be on board.  Everyone must say the same command and everyone should say the same command as they correct the action and give the dog a treat if done correctly.  Consistency is key.  If people in the household are not saying the same things and not being consistent then your dog will be confused.  Remember, they do not know what you are saying.  Your reward must be immediate, within seconds if your dog does what you want him to do. 

The commands can be, according to the Humane Society of the United States;  sit, stay, come, down(as in lie down), off(which means off of me or off of the furniture), stand, heel(walk beside me) or leave it.

KONG STUFF'N Treats are great for training
If he's chewing on a toy, instead of on a shoe, you can secretly place a treat inside a Kong type of chew toy, for example.  Also, do not reward your dog for bad behavior such as putting him outside every time he barks inside and you don't want him to bark inside.  You are rewarding him and giving him yard time for a bad, unwanted behavior.  Also, do not use his crate as a punishment.  He will learn to not like going into the crate.  Place a leash on him and teach him to lie down...say down, push him very gently down and immediately give him a treat.

Also, if your dog is small, give him small treats.  Soft treats that are very small and he can gobble them down in one bite and he'll look at you for more.  Every time he lies down, give him a treat.  Remember, positive reinforcement and consistency is key.

Good luck and take a look at the Humane Society of the United States web site for more info.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Info About Senior Cats

(kitty of one of our customers)
Here's a comparative chart to take a look at:    cat years of 1 is to human years 15, cat years 2 is to human years of 24, cat years of 5, human years is 36, cat years 7 is to human years 45, cat years 12 is to human years 64, cat years of 15 is to human years of 76, cat years 18 is to human years 88 and cat years of 21 is to human years of 100.
Interesting isn't it?  I'm sure other charts vary slightly, but this is a guide that you can go by.   As you can see, it doesn't take too long before our little furry kitties are seniors.  By this time they know us as well as any best friends can and we owe it to them to make the senior years just as special as they're younger years.  They've given us so many days and moments of happiness and each one is so very special.

available at
Just as we age, so do our cats.  We and they can develop issues such as heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, thyroid disease, cancer, diabetes, etc....   It's up to us to notice changes in their habits or actions that tell us that there is something wrong, something out of character.  Sometimes, even at a wellness exam, we cannot detect an underlying disease and therefore it cannot be caught early enough to treat the issue properly and maybe even cure it before it goes too far.  They should  have blood tests and other tests to detect early.

(Smudge from Maine)
They may need a special diet.  Teeth may have been lost or maybe they're just not eating really hard crunchy food anymore.  You may need to buy softer food and if needed, consult with your Veterinarian for a special diet such as KD for kidney issues.  Make sure you have nice cat beds, maybe that are heated for them and always have an endless amount of fresh water in their bowls.   They deserve the very best!

As always, enjoy your little furry pet friends!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Pet Dental Disease

It is very important to catch dog and/or cat dental disease early in their little lives.  It is actually seen in 80% of pets over 3 years old.  If not caught and treated it can cause kidney disease, liver disease, heart disease, low birth rate and early death.

If you notice your pet has a loss of appetite, bad breath, shaking his head to a bothersome amount, swollen face or chin and sneezing excessively then take him/her to your Veterinarian ASAP.  The sooner a mouth or tooth problem is corrected, the better, not only for health reasons, but to make your pet feel more comfortable.  They depend on you for everything and they deserve the best of care.  Can you imagine having a toothache and not going to your dentist?  You couldn’t live with it and neither can your pet. 

Be sure not to use human toothpaste when brushing your pet’s teeth and gum.  Human toothpaste has a foaming additive that pets cannot use or swallow.  Use pet toothpaste that can come in flavors such as seafood or chicken/poultry. 

You can also use pet toys and chew toys to help break up the plaque and calculus that forms on pets’ teeth.   Many pet stores in your area and of course, online pet stores such as carry these toys and bones that will help with this process.  

In addition to brushing and toys and special bones, there are additives that you can place in your pets’ food and water bowls.  Ask your Veterinarian or call their office for advice on these additives.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Your Aging Kitty

Your aging kitty needs you now more than ever.  A senior kitty, according to the American Association of Feline Practioners and American Animal Hospital Association, says that senior cats between the ages of 11-14 are considered "senior" cats and age 15 and older are geriatric cats.

Xena, from Ca, enjoying her nap on her favorite bed!

Your cat cannot tell you that his senses are dulling with age.  You have to pay attention to different signs of age related problems that your cat may be experiencing.  Cats use their sense of smell to find their food and water bowls.  Also they use their sense of smell to locate their litter box.  Yes, sight absolutely plays a part in finding these things, but they rely mainly on scent.

If your aging kitty is not eating like he used to, then try getting a food that has a stronger smell to it.  Also, there might be a dental issue going on with loose teeth or a problem with inflammation of the gum tissue.  He might miss the litter box or go just to the side of it or directly in front of it.  Try investing in another litter box.  Your cat may be just saying that he has sore muscles or is developing arthritis and it's painful to walk further to get to where the litter box is located.  Place more litter boxes around the house or apartment or on all levels of the home.

As always, however, upon noticing any change in your pet, always take your pet to your Veterinarian immediately.  You may not have noticed right away or your pet is hiding his symptoms very well and by the time you notice the changes, it may be in the advanced stages.

Missy loves her covered, heated bed from!
If arthritis or sore muscles are a problem, try investing in an orthopedic bed.  One that is a little thicker and doesn't scrunch down to the floor when your pet lays on it.   Also, you can look at all types of beds.  You don't have to buy a cat bed just because it's labeled, "Cat Bed".  You can look at the dog beds for cats.  Some of them are thicker and wider for your kitty.

Remember, they depend so much on their humans to help them.  They cannot talk to you, well with words anyway!  They do speak to us in their own language and sometimes we understand!  Always have fresh water for them and try to keep to a schedule.   They thrive when on a feeding schedule.  Just pay attention
and love them the best that you can and if you notice any changes, make an appointment to see your Veterinarian.  That's all we can ask of ourselves! Just enjoy every minute with your aging cat!  You're very lucky to have each other!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Summertime Fun Can be Hazardous to Pets

Summertime can mean fun and barbeques.  It's been extremely hot this summer all over the country, however I know for sure on the East coast since that's where we are located.  In a previous blog, I mentioned the dangers of the heat when your pet is exposed to it or kept in a car.  I won't repeat that danger, however please read that blog since it can mean death to your pet if you don't understand that a car can heat up to 120 degrees in 10 minutes!

Even though you love eating barbequed chicken and corn on the cob, don't give the bones to your pet.  The chicken bones can splinter and break off in your pets esophagus and/or stomach and intestines and cause serious issues.   Also, fatty foods that we love at times can lead to pancreatitis in our pets.  The symptoms for this are; pain and acting restless, sitting with their back arched, vomiting, lethargy, panting, crying, wincing or laying with their front paws down and their rear end up.  If you notice any of  these symptoms get your pet to the Veterinarian office ASAP.

Also, be careful about putting your bones, etc. into the trash can and not wrapping them in something that your pets cannot smell through.  Try aluminum foil or plastic zip bags.  They can get into the trash easily enough while your chatting and having a good time with your friends.

Have a safe and fun summer with your furry friends and check out for all your pet needs!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tips on Talking with Your Pooch

Your dog cannot say the words to you, "please open the door so that I can do outside and use the bathroom."  Now maybe some of you think they can, however you are interpreting what they're actions are telling you to do.  Sometimes you can train your dog to ring a bell and this alerts us as to when they need to go outside.  Some of us have pet doors so that we don't have to interpret their actions and they can go outside when they want to.  I just wanted to let you know, from a pet trainer, what they're actions are telling us or asking us to do for them.

Some dogs will do things in their own special way,  For example, my Aunt's dog used to go in circles around and around in the same spot.  This meant she had to go outside.  Cute, right?  Other dogs will bark at you go to the door that you always use and bark there.  This is the only way dogs have of communicating so please let them outside when they're asking.  Don't ignore them or else you're dog will find another way of communicating, like chewing up the furniture or doing something else you may not like. 

Something else that they do is bark at strangers outside or inside.  They are warning us and that is what they are meant to do from birth so don't yell and get upset with them.  Tell them all is well, pet them and then show them a toy or take them in another room to get their minds off of it.  Always a positive reaction is best from you.  If you scold them and yell at them, you're telling them it's not good to bark and then you'll be sorry when a burglar is approaching.  Toys are always a good distraction and interacting with them.

Remember, positive reinforcement and treats and training is always best.  Always treat them as you would want to be treated, the "Golden Rule".  Not enough of this is followed in this life and not enough people even know what it is!  Here it is, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".  Follow this rule throughout life and you and your pet will live a long, happy life!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Longer and Healthier Life

Your pet can have a longer and  healthier life with wellness exams from your Veterinarian.  He/She can also live a healthier and longer life if not made to live outdoors.   Just the heat alone can bring illness and/or death to your pet.  If you do have to have an outside pet, then at least give him a nice outside pet house with heat and a comfy bed and always make sure they have never ending fresh water.  We've all heard the horrible and devastating neglect stories on your local news.  Please do not be one of them.

You can get dog houses or cat  houses at or any of your local stores.  Please do not even own a pet if you choose to not take care of it properly or do not have the means to do so.   Just picture yourself in your pet's position and treat your pet as you would want to be treated.

Take your pet to a local Veterinarian for shots, blood work, dental work and a full examination upon receiving your pet for the first time.  This means from a shelter, from a friend, from a neighbor and anywhere else.  Keep them separated from your other pets as you don't know for sure that your new pet is safe yet unless checked out from your Vet.  It's always a good practice to introduce new pets to your established pets slowly.

If you notice anything unusual about your pet, take him to your Vet.  Your pet can't speak to you in words so it's up to you to notice any changes.  Take notice of his behavior, appetite, urinary and defecating issues, drinking water excessively or not drinking enough.   It's up to us to watch out for all symptoms.  Of course, spay and neuter your pet.  This is linked to a decrease in cancer, a closer relationship with your pet and a healthier and longer living pet.  Let's all take care of them so they can take care of us!  Check out special treats and new items for your pet at