Friday, May 18, 2012

Why do I need a crate for my dog or puppy?

A crate uses a dog’s natural den instinct to keep your dog safe and to make him feel secure and comfortable.  It’s also a good way to keep from cleaning up messes, while you’re out running errands.  You might find anywhere from urine to destroyed furniture to your kid’s toys shred to pieces when you come home.  This can be avoided with the right crate. 

The primary reason to use a crate is for house training.  Dogs don’t like to soil their dens.  Crate also set limits for your dog while he learns what is acceptable and what is not in the house.  Crates can also be a safe way to transport your pet.  A crate is not a solution to all your training issues.  You have to learn to use it correctly.  Here are a few tips.

Don’t use your crate for punishment.  Your dog will learn to fear it and he won’t want to go into it. 
Don’t keep your dog in the crate for too long.  About 2-3 hours and if you’re planning on being away longer, use a play pen.   This way he is not confined and does not become frustrated or upset that he cannot move or stretch.  A dog that’s crated too long, day and night, does not get enough human contact and can become depressed and/or anxious.  

Puppies under six months old shouldn’t be crated for more than three or four hours at a time.  They cannot control their bladders and bowels for that long.  The same goes for adult dogs that are being house trained.  Physically, they can hold it, but they don’t know they are supposed to.
Crate your dog only until you can trust him not to destroy the house.  After that, he should go to his crate voluntarily.

They come in different sizes and are made out of steel, wire, and plastic and plastic covered steel.  Click on this link to view a nice variety of crates;

Don’t go too fast while crate training.  You can introduce your dog to the crate and if he’s scared or won’t go into it, don’t force him.  You can place little treats inside and even feed him inside.  Once he’s used to going inside, start feeding him next to the crate until eventually you feed him where you would like to feed him.  Then, after he is used to entering the crate, you can start by keeping him in there a little longer each time.  At first, place him in the crate while you’re at home with him.  Sit with him for a few minutes then leave the room.  Eventually he’ll feel safe and secure in his comfy little den. 

Good luck crate training and don’t forget to go back to visit us at for all your other needs too! 

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